How to Sell My Car - Bob's Story.
Once upon a time there was a man named Bob. Bob was a happy guy. He had a fun job. He lived in a nice house. Parked in front of his house was his favorite car in the whole world, his car. Bob loved his car. He drove it to work. He drove it to the movies. He drove it here. He drove it there. Bob even washed his car every Saturday. Bob was a little over the top when it came to his car.
One day, Bob was driving home from work and someone who was texting while driving ran into Bob’s car while he was stopped at a stop light. That person was not cool. Thankfully, they weren’t going that fast, so no one was hurt. But, Bob’s car was damaged. The car Bob loved lost its bumper, and the trunk was all squished.
This made Bob really sad. Luckily, insurance told Bob they would pay to have his car fixed. “We’ll give you a check to make it look brand new,” the insurance guy told Bob. “Okay,” Bob thought and took the check. He was about to go fix his car, but then he thought about it. Maybe I should sell my car for cash.
Should I Sell My Car
“I love my car,” Bob mused, “but it’s getting kind of old. Maybe I shouldn’t fix my car and let somone buy my car. Maybe I should sell my car.” Then Bob remembered an article he read on that said a car can lose thirty-percent of its value after it’s been in an accident, even if it looks like new.
“That’s not good. Thirty-percent is a lot. I’m going to sell my car,” Bob decided. With the check from the insurance company safely in his pocket, Bob logged onto to sell his car.
“This is awfully easy,” Bob said to himself. “I just type in the year, make, model, mileage and condition of my car into this little form.” I don’t know why Bob was narrating what he was doing on the website, but it’s helpful for the story.
A little while after Bob sent in the details of his car, Nancy, they very nice buyer called him to ask a few more questions about his car. To make everything go faster and to get himself the best cash offer for his car, Bob emailed Nancy some pictures of his car.
Nancy liked Bob’s car and gave him a guaranteed offer right over the phone. He accepted the offer and proved he owned the car by showing that his name was on the title. You have to have a title to sell a car to Before Bob knew it, a car removal truck from one of handy service providers picked up his car and his title and handed him a check for the exact amount Nancy told him he would get. “Wow, offers really are guaranteed,” Bob said. “This was really easy.”
Bob used his insurance check and the check from to go and buy a new car that he loves even more than his old car. Bob and his new car lived happily ever after. worked for Bob because Bob was smart and visited when he thought, “I should sell my car.” Be like Bob. Visit or call at 1-877-877-7911 if your story starts with “I should sell my car.”